Garish colours, slow upload times, text too small to read, distorted images in mobile view, broken links, confusing navigation … the list of design evils is endless. Please tell me I have no need to go on.
Good design, on the other hand, has that certain ahhh factor. Not only is it easy on the eye, it’s also a frustration-free zone. Smooth, seamless and easy to find your way around. It’s noticeable because it’s so fresh and so uncomplicated.
Check out our local MP’s new site and see if you don’t agree.
While still keeping faith with the National Party brand, it has clean lines and is rich in imagery. Bloody beautiful mate!
But it’s also user-friendly – you have access to every page within three clicks – as well as being mobile responsive, which means the layout adjusts for the mobile view.
In addition to the usual menu suspects such as about, news and contact pages, we’ve included a community events section, videos, valuable links to other sites, social media integration and the opportunity to sign up for the MP’s regular newsletter.
Check it out here and see why good web design makes all the difference. And if you’d like your new website to also have the ahhh factor, give our studio a call and have a chat! Phone 5174 9437.